Monday, June 7, 2010

Facebook Rant

I don't like Facebook. It's has stolen all my friends from me. I can't seem to communicate with many of them any more.

Hell, some bastard even started trying to woo my wife away from me. She didn't realize what was going on at first. He was really subtle. That is, until he started asking if they could arrange a way to meet in person. She woke up and smelled the coffee then and realized what he was trying to do. She became really alarmed and told me what was going on.

I don't boss my wife around; She's her own woman. But on that evening when she told me what she thought he was up to, I became the boss in that moment.

Un-friend him. No . . . wait . . .

Block the bastard.


I don't even want him to be able to see your page any more.

She followed through without hesitation. After all, she was unnerved by the whole thing herself.

If my wife had not been open and honest with me -- shit -- I could have eventually lost my wife to that fucking Facebook shit!

She my best friend of all!! Facebook can't have her.

Yes, I've joined Facebook. After all, that's what everyone says I need to do to keep up. People say that I wouldn't lose my friends if I stay active on Facebook. (Hell, now I think I need to stay on Facebook just to keep other people from bothering my wife).

But people in my circle rarely seem to talk about any in-depth topic of substance. WTF!

Chat is really cool, I'll admit. But Facebook didn't invent chat. You can do that in so many other places with less distractions than Facebook!

We all seem caught up with either surfing each others walls or playing flash games as we make as many superficial connections as we can.

Sorry. I'm not interested.

I want my friends back.

And as I already alluded to above, Facebook can connect you with people you DO NOT want or NEED in your life. Facebook seems to be morphing into a environment for forging clandestine relationships rather than keeping up with true friends and relatives. Or, people you never really got along with find you and keep pestering you with "friends" requests over and over.

Can't you tell that I've been clicking Ignore, over and over again on your requests?
Huh? Can't you? Huh?

I know; Some people sit back and reflect on Facebook and say "Ah . . . thank you, Facebook".

But I say, "Fuck you, Facebook". And then I emphatically give them The Finger.

Then I make a sour face and log into my profile.

I have to; otherwise, I'll be out of touch even more than before.

I hate Facebook. It has become a necessary evil in my life.

Fuck you, Facebook. Fuck you.

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